Thursday, 29 April 2010

The Parliament approves a Law of Reception for Immigrants that reinforces the learning of the Catalonian

The Parlament has approved today the Immigrants Reception Law with 87 percent support. It establishes Catalonian as a "common tongue" and reinforces its learning among the foreigners. The law establishes that that the immigrants should learn in Catalan their process of integration. The immigrants that attend Catalan culture and language courses with a sufficient continuity will receive a certificate of approvement for the courses. This certificate will be able to count towards the expedition of the certificates that are needed in the process of regularization of the immigrants. The representative of the PSC Consol Fields has insisted that the Law of Reception is "a good law" that will permit "to invest resources in the training of the immigrants and in their process of integration" and has regretted that "some parties are utilizing the immigration to obtain electoral returns". (Source- La Vanguardia)

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